John Duffy

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since Nov 09, 2013
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Recent posts by John Duffy

Pascal, when you plant your Comfrey, put some manure into each planting hole. I used 3-4 horse nuggets per hole and the Comfrey came up with a vengeance! At 2' spacing, it forms a nice border along walkways. You can prune it back during the growing season and use the leaves as a mulch around garden plants and flowers. Comfrey is tough. You can even use chicken manure around it and it won't burn it.
3 weeks ago
Ulla, thank you for posting. I learned a lot!
1 month ago
Play the party music; turnip the beet.
Tim... that was priceless! Gotta love a good pun
1 month ago
My I phone is soo old, it's actually an H
2 months ago
Nuthin worse than droopy drawers...For those of us with a baby bump (a.k.a. beer cooler) I dearly love my grandpa looking suspenders. They go easy on the umbilical hernia;...Haven't mooned anyone in years.
4 months ago
Kelly Craig, if I might quote you, "I could add pages for this topic, in spite of the fact I am at the bottom of the expert chain."...I would say you know your stuff VERY well! You might not have an 'Expert' certificate in a frame but, IMO, you know your stuff! Thank you for your contribution.
4 months ago
here is my EDC pocket knife. I especially love the sheep foot blade for removing splinters! This knife comes razor sharp from the factory. Good ole German steel takes and holds an edge very well. I even use it for doing some wood carving.
4 months ago
Gray Henon, if you're wanting bird fertilizer, might I suggest ducks...Aside from pet rabbits, I can't think of any critter who has a higher food to poop ratio than ducks. My daughters had a couple ducks when they were little and it seemed to me that eating and making fertilizer was more than a passing fancy. They were hard core poopin machines! (my yard is still greener  where they were kept over 30 year ago)
5 months ago
Brian, have you considered Osage Orange trees? They coppice well, grow pretty fast and burn super hot & long! I've had a single log burn 14 hours in an airtight wood stove...It pops and sparks quite a bit and it has thorns that can be quite contrary. Can't beat the BTU's
5 months ago