Aj Anderson

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since Nov 11, 2013
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Recent posts by Aj Anderson

Tyler Young wrote:He mentions the problem of his videos being pirated, and whether it's worth producing new videos that he won't be able to sell because of the piracy. Paul, have you mentioned that you've had a hand in one or two successful Kickstarter campaigns? Raw footage that needs to be edited together sounds very familiar somehow....

I too noticed the piracy comments. I think part of the problem is availability. I had a hard time tracking down his 5 DVD set, and then shipping was as expensive as another DVD. I've tried to put a bug in Ecofilm's ear, but haven't heard back. I think a digital purchase on Amazon or iTunes could easily handle Digital Rights concerns AND make it MORE available. Total win!

Maybe Paul could mention something like this to Geoff? I don't care about credit for the idea, I just want to see his stuff in front of more eyeballs - without piracy.

Steven Baxter wrote:Hi, I will be entering the Air Force in August. I am going to sign up for the GI Bill. I really don't see my self going back to school just for the degree itself. I am much more interested in taking individual classes on many different subjects of my liking.

But the GI Bill only works towards getting a degree, certificate, license etc. I feel it would be a waste of time to go to a college for a degree and take classes that are required for the degree, but would not interest me or be useful.

Did you have any luck applying the GI Bill to a PDC course? I've got one "semester" left, and rather than work more on a higher degree, I'd like to take a PDC. Love any feedback/follow-up you have here.

Thanks for your service!
11 years ago
Ken, another year has gone by. How did you fair this year? Did you try one of these suggestions for poultry or livestock? Some other solution?

Also in Michigan.
11 years ago