Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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Tobias Brace

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since Dec 19, 2013
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Recent posts by Tobias Brace

True I am very much a beginner nerd with regards to fluid dynamics. My professional nerdiness has more to do with the human body so the learning curve is not as easy as I expected.

So Reynolds numbers are not making complete sense to me when I looked it up because I cannot wrap my head around thinking about a gas or flame as a viscous substance. Care to throw me a bone? Is that what makes a square better than a round?
11 years ago
I've been looking at round vs square burn tunnels and I'd like some feedback from the experts, or some advice on where this might have already been discussed. I understand that square is easier to build with bricks but I plan to cast my core so I can make it any shape I want. So here is my thinking:

If we say that we make a round chamber and a square one, both with the exact same cross-sectional area, then the round one ends up having about 12% less surface area than the square one. Wouldn't this decrease friction along the walls thus decreasing laminar flow? And if so, would that not improve the burn overall?

I'm sure I'm over-thinking it but I'm a nerd and enjoy that part of the process.

Thanks all,
11 years ago
Thanks Al,,
11 years ago
So I have a grey clay in my yard that I am told is shale. It tests pretty good, roll, wrap etc. but I wanted to get some insight from the experts as to if this was okay to use or not.
11 years ago

Dale Hodgins wrote:That's part of how the bills are paid for this free site.

Point taken.
11 years ago
Is it just me or is the shameless advertising for the Stoves 2.0 website on every single forum getting annoying?
11 years ago
Hello All,

I have been experimenting with some ideas but I am pretty new to this wonderfulness y'all call RMH. I'm looking into making my own Dragon Heater inspired bell for my house and I'm wondering if anyone knows what the folks at dragon heaters used to cast their refractory and what the stack boards are made of. Also, any ideas on where to get some rough dimensions for a 4 inch system? I have plans from the ultimate survival bundle for 6 and 8 inch and I just want to make sure I can simply scale everything down or if it is more a matter or ratios rather than strict measurements.

I also have been reading way too many of these forums and my head is spinning from info overload. So, does anyone have a straight answer as to which is better, a round or square burn chamber. If it is a function of friction on the walls and cross sectional area then wouldn't a hexagon be excellent? Just thinking because it occurs so often in nature where perfect circles and squares do not. I have the ability to make a hexagonal burn chamber and was thinking about putting a twist into it to a get a little rotation going in the burn chamber. Just for fun.

11 years ago