Aldona Guenter

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since Dec 28, 2013
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I'm an american expat, living in Germany.
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Bergstrasse, Germany
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Recent posts by Aldona Guenter

William Bronson wrote: The whole thing, with the possible exception of the feed tube, but some like Matthew Walker recomend a lot of insulation there as well.

Thanks William, that's what I was leaning towards, just wanted to make sure, before I messed it up. I'm going to do the entire sides, and add the glass door in the front, as Matt Walker has done. In fact, he has been my inspiration since I found his yt vids last December.

The other question I would have now pertaining to the glass door; what all could one use to make the door? Most likely one would need the frame so it closes tightly, and it would have to made of steel, so it can withstand all that heat.

It seems as if junk yards have been closed down in my immediate area. I haven't found a place where I can go and scrounge for parts. They don't want us to recycle, but to buy it new

Oh well, I'll keep looking and build it up as I can afford it. Even scrap metal is hard to come by it seems. Even junking days are heavily regulated here.

10 years ago
I was wondering if I just needed to insulate the heatriser inside of the gallon barrel, or if I need or should insulate the whole "core" as well. I have this blanket of rockwool I've been using.

I'm still figuring out how to get some clay to make cob, but would just cobbing up the burn box and burn tunnel suffice? The more I think of "how" to proceed, the more confused I'm getting. I'm also considering making an opening in the front of the burn box for loading larger pieces of wood, and for getting a quicker heat-up of the stove top and mass.
10 years ago

John Elliott wrote:
We want sharp corners in a rocket stove, because we want turbulent flow. You start filling in sharp corners and rounding edges, and the flow is going to become more laminar.

shouldn't the burn tunnel be smooth, and the inside of the heat riser have corners? Or is it the other way around. Please let me know ASAP, since I can still correct my mistakes, as I'm still in the building stage with nothing cobbed in yet.

Thanks in Advance!
10 years ago

allen lumley wrote:
when the barrel goes on -the vertical chimney must go up ! 4' - 5' above the nearest other object !


Hey Al, does it have to be a vertical chimney? mOST OF THE CHIMNEYS i#VE SEEN ARE VERTICAL; i#M JUST WONDERING HOW A HORIZONTAL one would work. (sorry caps got stuck)
10 years ago
Greetings out of Germany!!

I've built up my firebrick rocketstove, tested it, then insulated it, and placed the rock flue tunnels, to see how things would work. I've come to a stand still now though, due to not having any kind of clay earth to work with, so I can't cob the core of the stove yet. We live in a pretty sandy region, at 0 sea level. I've located a clay site about 60 kilometers away, where a ton of clay would cost about 20 euros, about $26, but to bring it here would cost me about 200 Euros, almost $300. My husband is disappointed, that my project is getting too costly.

The other problem I'm having, is trying to figure out what kind of a connection to make from the barrel to the mass, and also for the 3 curves I need. Each of these connections will have a clean-out hole. For the curves I was thinking of using Y-tong slabs, which are easy to cut, are heat resistant, fireproof, and fairly cheap.

Here are some fotos to show what I've completed so far. I'm an over 50 yr old female, and I'm doing it pretty much all on my own, so I'm pretty proud of myself to have come so far, and if I don't finish it, no one else here will...
10 years ago
I'm in Hessen, on the border to BW, off of the Bergstrasse.

10 years ago
Hi Victoria!

I'm very excited that you have come to join us here for the next few days! Hope you'll stick around long after that though!

Looking forward to reading some "chicken" postings! I have a few questions I'd like to find some answers to regarding our feathered friends.

Til then!
10 years ago
Hi Philip,

these oxygen bottles are very small. The man who gave them to me said he used the oxygen for his aquarium. He does it regularly, forgot how often. He seems to have had them for a while. There seems to be some fluid in one of them though.

thank you for your concern, its sweet

As far as pictures are concerned, I will be documenting it all! I'm still in the material gathering phase though, trying to find cheap to free stuff, and see what needs to be bought. So far, it looks like i'm gonna have to buy bricks, rockwool and find the right size barrel.

I'm going with bricks...
11 years ago

Do you have any pictures? I plan on building a RMH on our wooden floors as well. Was the 4" a good decision for height off the wooden floor? I was wondering if we can just just thick cardboard down for the bricks, then the wooden sheets to then build upon.

11 years ago