Sam Provoast

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since Jan 21, 2014
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Recent posts by Sam Provoast

I don't want to be a hater but I was waiting all week last week and over the weekend looking for the email from Paul or Kickstarter with the links to all of the Candy. Nowhere did it say that Cassie was going to be sending out an email from her email address. Why wasn't it sent out via the Kickstarter message system? Is there anyway I can get the PDFs, they're really the only reason I signed up for this. I feel like the more open this whole rocket mass heater system is people will start adopting it more. Anyway, I really do like all that you guys do, but communications surrounding the Candy email were a bit lacking.

Thanks for all your help and documentation!
Hi everyone!
I'm a newish garden enthusiast and my wife and I have recently moved to a house which is on 1/3 of an acre. I'm super excited and already have a drawing for my food forest mapped out. What I've been trying to do is identify all of the current plants on the property. Below I have placed three images of plants that I'm completely stumped by. Any insight is very much appreciated.

Thank you.
11 years ago