Alright, I realize this question isn't necessarily about building a super energy efficient house.
I was wanting to build a deck onto my existing house, but for several reasons I don't really want to use traditional pine or even composites. Thinking also about maintenance and durability, as even a treated pine deck doesn't really last that long here in the south, I was considering using Black Locust that I grow on my own property as the primary material for both frame and deck, and I like the fact that it'll grow right back. I was actually thinking of doing a timber frame style support system and milling the deck boards on my 14" band saw. I'm aware that Locust is a very dense wood when dried, but how is it fresh cut? Is it dimensionally stable in a green state? Would it need to be dried first? Will I even be able to get a drill through it? Are there any other considerations I need to take into account?
I appreciate any help or input I receive for this conceptual phase of the design. If this project works I may adapt it to other building projects on my property, because I could really use a workshop and other out-buildings.