sim andy

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since Jan 27, 2014
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Recent posts by sim andy

Dan Tutor wrote:

sim andy wrote:Hi Folks, happen to see this on youtube. They were educating the people how to plant mushroom in their country. Was surprised that its so easy... check it out

Yep, once you have the colonized grain spawn, it's that easy...

was curious on the contamination part. no gloves or anything used to inoculate the spawns in... .im going to try what they do..hehehhehehe if it works then its gonna be faster in doing everything...
11 years ago

John Elliott wrote:Nice find! Though I wish that people would make more use of the "closed caption translate" button on YouTube.

yeh was hoping for that.... didnt understand what they say... so its like look at what they do and the rest is like we have to imagine.... hehehehe
11 years ago
Hi Folks, happen to see this on youtube. They were educating the people how to plant mushroom in their country. Was surprised that its so easy... check it out
11 years ago

John Elliott wrote:The only other thing that I can think of would be a small amount of nitrogen for the fungi. They don't need much, but if the bagasse is 100% carbohydrate (which is very likely), then they may be a little protein starved. If you are close to the ocean, you could throw some fresh seaweed (which is where agar comes from) into the cooking pot with the bagasse. You don't need much, just a few percent.

Thanks John. i was thinking to add the spent coffee grounds to it since the coffee grounds has lots of nitrogen.... good idea to add some agar in it...
11 years ago
HI folks out there, as like my previous thread that i want to start growing mushroom, can anyone out there tell me is there anything that i must do to treat the bagasse apart from boiling and sterilizing the bagasse? what i have here is from the market that juice is extracted for as sugarcane juice. They will then throw away the sugarcane ..... as like they litter the streets with it!!! so its going to make the place smelly and so on till the rubbish truck come along... that is if the guys working do no go for a pay rise strike . I came across quite alot of people saying that they use the sugarcane bagasse to grow mushroom on. Since if it can be used, i was thinking i might as well use it to help reduce to waste over here... By the way i intend to use spent coffee grounds as well. but dont think its that easy as i think i have to travel round the whole Cambodia to collect miserable amounts from the shop.... Thanks in advance..
11 years ago

John Saltveit wrote:You're going to want to be careful about which type of mushroom you're growing. Tree oysters do well here in the PNW of the US, but I think you're in a warmer and more humid climate. There are many mushrooms which will do better in your climate than here but do some research on which ones fit your climate.
JOhn S

Thanks for the advice. Yap did my research on what are the types of mushroom that is good to be grown here. still need to gather few more things before i can start my cultivation....
11 years ago
true John... better be safe then to be sorry...... im thinking to buy few ready spawn bags to see if it can work out... take it as a test first. but at the same time will try to cultivate some king oyster cultivation.
11 years ago
Thanks John for the intending to do racks on the latter stage when i succeed in the test runs... the width of the balcony is 4 meters and the length should be around 7 meters. Was thinking and planning of 3 to 4 rows using bamboos as they are cheaper then anything that can be found here.... woods, metals, they are very very expensive over here. By the way anyone can tell me if i can actually spray water directly on the spawn bags? cause to my understanding from what i read, we are not allowed to do that as it might attract others to live on the spawn bags. Now i saw video clips that people actually spray water onto the mushroom and bag.... saw this on youtube . this guy actually owns mushroom farm in the Phillipines. ..... Guess im getting confused by now... kikikik
11 years ago
i intend to use the bathtub to store water and put in a water pump to make a water fall effect to keep the area cool and for humidity
11 years ago