David Sirovica

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since Jan 28, 2014
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Well maybe not, are we supposed to have access to the 45 min video? I’m still seeing a PayPal fee to view that one. I am only able to see the 22 min video posted!

paul wheaton wrote:

David Sirovica wrote:Hello! I am also not seeing anything under the “my stuff” tab. My email for this and Kickstarter are the same. I’m not sure if I’m just lookin in the wrong place or what’s going on

It took me some digging, but I think that a boo boo was made on my end and about a hundred people did't get added to the list.  So I added those hundred people - and you were one of those.   Everything right as rain now?

Looks good now thank you!!
Hello! I am also not seeing anything under the “my stuff” tab. My email for this and Kickstarter are the same. I’m not sure if I’m just lookin in the wrong place or what’s going on

Do a google search for PM 3017. It's put out by the Iowa state extension office and heres the accompanying youtube video.