Jay Kepple

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since Jan 29, 2014
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Dubuque, ia
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Recent posts by Jay Kepple

Hello from Dubuque, ia, the back yard is all garden and the back porch is happy chickens, a good combination. I would sure like to do an undercover hugelculture in the fall- 1 foot blocks of wood on end covered with topsoil ( although my soil may be better than anything I can buy, at least the worms are happy). Keep it going!
8 years ago
I don't like the cussing so I don't listen to Paul's podcasts.
Our rules are no roosters
9 years ago
We home schooled our kids all the way through high school and they both graduated from the Air Force Academy, they are fun to be with and can interact with all ages of people. They are both Captains now.
9 years ago
Hey! that looks really nice and seems like a good price!
9 years ago
I agree, we have not seen eggs for awhile, goldy hen has just started, and today we did a clean up campaign so we may not get any today and we put a egg eater in the pot so they are all upset.
9 years ago
That is why you need a tough red dot like a EOTech.
9 years ago