Max Lee

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since Feb 06, 2014
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Grow native Callicarpa americana.  Then you can simply rub its leaves on you to repel mosquitoes, ticks, etc.
6 months ago

John F Dean wrote:I have had CDs and DVDs go bad without anyone touching them.

Yes, me too.  I thought it was a safe, long-term storage method.  I was wrong.  :(

It does seem like some can degrade and become unreadable after like ~10 years or more?
1 year ago

Pearl Sutton wrote:Why do they need to be cut up? Personally, I'd use them to edge a garden bed or driveway or something. I don't cut anything I'm not required to :D Cut firewood is easy to obtain. Good long edging logs are not.

Yea, I prefer manual power myself too...but for me, anything over about ~4"-5" thick is just too much damn work with any kind of hand saw.

For logs this big, I'd rather just use them as edging or something, too.  

However...after reading this post...I may stand corrected!  Cutting through that beast in just 18 minutes using mostly leg power is pretty fantastic, actually!  That's probably comparable to a chain saw, but without all the risks!
2 years ago
Personally, I would start with yoga for many years first to gain the flexibility you need to do Taijiquan properly...

I mean, just to simply have a good standing posture requires good flexibility.
2 years ago

jack sweeney wrote:Hello everyone, i am new here but i am not new to permaculture.

Bill Mollison states in a few of his permaculture books that there is no place in the permaculture system for cats(please correct me if you think i am wrong). so does anyone disagree with him on this?

I would agree with him (referring to domesticated house cats, not native cats)...but could someone source and cite the exact quotes, here?
3 years ago