Tr Sharp

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since Feb 13, 2014
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I got my email address' to match on kickstarter and permits forums, hope that helps. Thanks. Have a great day.
5 years ago
First please let Geoff know, Thank YOU for all the work he is doing. It is so great to finally seeing someone making positive changes. And all the people running the farms, blogs, sites, accounts and this weird forums thing.

Now questions:
-A research institute endorsed or sponsored or supported or trained by or run by your graduates or your "company" in a different part of the world, like BC Canada?

-Grants, sponsorships, scholarships, paid internships available? Or I may just sell everything I own, show up on your door and ask if there is any room at the inn as I am willing to do work in exchange for shelter, food, education and experience. The homeless intern? I have two hands, two feet, a brain, a heartbeat and a tent. And a Canadian passport. Most everything else I can part with but until then, I am at my full time job in tourism trying to and barely paying my bills yet studying everything I can find.

-Audio books? I keep hearing about the lazy gardener or someone not doing their research. I am still trying to read the books and manuals and all the things that have been recommended through the online courses, or DVD courses, yet I keep finding excuses to stop me. If the manuals were in audiobook version, I would feel it is like story telling around the bonfire and get more knowledge.

-Running a school based on teaching permaculture material to grade schoolers right through to college with the general material that is already taught to kids. Permaculture Homeschooling for children, youth and young adults?

-More information about the online PDC course? Is it certificated? Cost? I would like to try and save up between now and the start time that I heard of being late March.

-How is Bill? Please send him a great big hug from me.... And how are you and your family?

-Did I mention I want to learn so I can teach and think the hands on approach is the best option for me? How do I make the transition? Found out about permaculture only 6 months ago or so and looking around, observing and researching my best plan of action to get out there and get involved. SO keep me in mind, I guess.

Thanks. Really... thank you.