casey lem

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since Feb 22, 2014
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Recent posts by casey lem

I like the easiest option, which is freezing. Last year I did make lactofermented hot sauce which was amazing and lasted a scary long time in the fridge. Ferment sliced peppers in brine for a few days, then blend. Strain if you wish season however. Tons of recipies online. But, yeah, we're busy, easy button.....freeze em.
7 months ago
  We were very exited last year when, after ten years, we finally got our first crop of hazlenuts. Unfourtunatley, after drying them, they were almost all hollow when we went to shell them. Brief research suggested the soil wasn't fertile enough, so over the winter I applied mulch and aged poultry manure. I was exited to see another decent crop this year. When I cracked them fresh they were all full nuts, but after drying all were hollow again. At this point I have very tall squirrel feeders, what can we do?
8 months ago
Switched the cover pipe back to 2", siphon works. Now as soon as I post this the siphon will stop again.
5 years ago
The pump is on a timer that runs every half hour. As of the day this was posted I changed the size of the pipe covering the stand pipe to 3" diameter (from 2") and magically everything worked. For three days. Then back to my standing water problem. With the 3" pipe I notice that when water is just trickling through the stand pipe the 3" cover pipe is floating slightly inside the media excluder.
5 years ago
 Please help. The bell siphon in our aquaponics setup has a mind of its own. Sometimes it will work fine, then, with no changes will stop firing and just trickle water out of the stand pipe. I've tried adjusting the speed of the pump and fiddled with different size pipes to cover the stand pipe. When I change the size of the cover pipe, MAGIC, it works again. Then, I'll check 30 minutes later, not working. If I reach in the media excluder and slightly move the cover pipe when it's overflowing, presto the siphon fires. What am I missing here?
5 years ago
Never mind, she's gone, just dug a hole. I guess I cook all the eggs from the past week well done scrambled as I'm worried about what killed her.
6 years ago
Found one of our quail unresponsive this morning. She's not dead yet, but can't move and eyes are barely blinking and she's cold. Moved her away from the flock incase of disease. How long should I leave her, or should I just cull? We've only had a flock for about 10 months and I'm slightly concerned about eating a bird that might be sick. Hadn't seen any problems with her until today.
6 years ago
We have used the reflective bubble wrap insulation in the summer with great results. I just safety pin in to our curtains w/ the reflective side facing outward. It keeps the living room w/ large windows cool while getting full sun for the hottest parts of the day. I was able to source it used from work, don't know what the retail price is.
6 years ago
Excellent again Dale! I'm gonna find a few for camping, or zombie invasions.
7 years ago
You'll have to check if it's permitted in your area, but kang kong (aka water spinach) would seem like an appropriate choice.I ordered some seeds through ebay to grow in a rain barrel w/ some fish & other critters this summer. I would check an asian market see if you could just buy some and root it( thought about that after spending $ on seeds & shipping). It would only be an option in the warmer months, being a tropical plant.
7 years ago