I 'd like some suggestions on changing woodland to pasture. our homestead currently has chickens, geese, rabbits, fruits, and vegetables. l'd like to add more...specifically meat and milk.
I have a smallish property -3acres- 2/3 of it slopes down northward toward a beaver pond.The whole thing was densely forested until the beavers moved in a few years ago and took hundreds of trees. the Flooding killed the largest trees that were left. Next, the town put in a beaver resistant drain and the water level dropped six feet, almost to the pre beaver level. I've cleared away most of the dead brush, leaving a few snags as habitat. now I have 2-3 inches of dry rooty peat, some gravely soil and lots of boulders. My goal is to make it into good grazing for a cow-I'm hoping for a mini Irish Jersey. I don't have easy access by machine, and parts of it are impossible to drive fence posts into (ledge.)
I'm looking for suggestions on how to go about getting pasture established. Right now it is mostly bare peat. Some catbrier and wild blackberry shoots are growing, but not much else. I need ideas that don't require a big outlay of cash. I'm still saving for the cow.
I'm also wondering if anyone has fencing suggestions for pigs on land such as this. The last time we had pigs they found a weak spot to get out and wallow around in the swamp. (Which doesn't belong to me) Their return involved hours of chasing annoyed pigs up and down the hill, calling my husband and sons home from work etc... Not something I ever want to do again.
If anyone has done something like this, I'd love to hear what worked and what didn't.