Gilly Burke wrote:
Saana Jalimauchi wrote:
Gilly Burke wrote:
Is there any development in trying to buy Paul's cancer podcast if not in US?
I live in UK
Re Vat outside of US. Seems in UK only VAT related digital items are audio books. Are podcasts the same as audio books?
Hi Gilly,
No new developments.
We do not have information about the VAT requirements in different countries around the world, as it varies a lot (which is the same reason we do not sell if VAT needs to be paid).
Reflecting further on this, I wonder if Paul's Patreon account could be a vehicle for this? This would enable people outside of USA to hear initial podcast .
I'm already a Patreon supporter for both podcasts and videos.
Ok , thank you Saana
Saana Jalimauchi wrote:
Gilly Burke wrote:
Is there any development in trying to buy Paul's cancer podcast if not in US?
I live in UK
Re Vat outside of US. Seems in UK only VAT related digital items are audio books. Are podcasts the same as audio books?
Hi Gilly,
No new developments.
We do not have information about the VAT requirements in different countries around the world, as it varies a lot (which is the same reason we do not sell if VAT needs to be paid).
Ok , thank you Saana
r ranson wrote:It always cracks me up buying building supplies as the words make sense in that context that I forget that they sound completely different to someone on their first day at the hardware store. No wonder they have trouble keeping staff when the conversation goes something like this
Douglas Alpenstock wrote:I'm not positive it's a Bahco frame since I got it second hand. It's the same shape as this:
I may also have a traditional style 21" bow saw. As well as a number of the 12" compact type. I think I've lost track.
Douglas Alpenstock wrote:My general preference is a 21" blade FWIW. Big enough to take down trees, small enough to be handy.
Douglas Alpenstock wrote:
Gilly Burke wrote:Have been educating myself on the codes and have been trying to decide on the length of blade - whether 24 inch or 30, yours is the first I've come across recommending a 21 inch.
Do you know if it is possible to adapt a blade, say a 24 inch to work on a 30 inch frame? Or is it necessary to buy two different size frames?
My 21 inch is the pointed style frame, so it's handy for getting into tight spaces. My 24 inch is the traditional bow style frame.
How big are your trees or the wood you want to cut? I don't think taking down a tree bigger than 12 inches in diameter would be much fun with a bowsaw. But it can be done.
I imagine an adapter could be made to use a smaller blade in a larger frame. It would have to be quite stiff I think, and the length fairly exact to put the right tension on the blade.
L. Johnson wrote:
Douglas Alpenstock wrote:My general preference is a 21" blade FWIW. Big enough to take down trees, small enough to be handy.
It also appears to be about half the price!