Clarinda Medlin

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since Mar 08, 2014
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I haven't read all the posts so this might be in one of them. If not...

Here is a recipe that Bill Morrison gave in one of his videos. I just found it a couple days ago and haven't tried it but if it works it'll be well worth the trouble of making it.

Bill Morrisons bone sauce

First you start with a cast iron kettle and bury it a bit and put a cup of water in the bottom. Then fill another kettle with bones, put a screen over it and then plop the bone kettle upside down on the other kettle. Then pack clay around the edges to make a good seal. Then Pile up some dirt and build a big fire over the whole thing.

Keep the fire going for an hour or two and then let it sit for a day. Then collect the nasty gunk from the bottom. Apparently this smells awful. Smear a little of this around the trunk of any tree and animals won't ever touch that tree.
10 years ago
I guess there are many different ideas of what permaculture is. I've watched videos of people talking about plowing, planting, and harvesting their permaculture sights. huh? that sounds like the old fashion farming to me, but to them they think it's permaculture.

I got what little info I have from watching the Geoff Lawton videos. To me permaculture is the 300 year old garden or the 2000 year old garden. Nothing to plow or plant there. They are harvesting daily in a system that is permanent.

That's my goal and I hope this site will be here for a long time to cheer on those of us who are excited and need to keep our momentum moving.

10 years ago
Are there any lists by zones for food forests? I'm very new to this, anxious to get started, but having a hard time figuring out what plants to use. I know the food bushes and trees that I want in the system. It's the nitrogen fixers, chop & drop, etc. that I am having trouble figuring out.
10 years ago