I'm really looking forward to this conference. My favorite part of PV1 was not only the motivational, thought provoking speeches. Mostly it was the network of likeminded individuals perusing life works of shared values. I would love to see Warren Brush speak at PV2, Nick and Bianca Heyming, Daniel Francis. These are some of the 10+ year permaculture leaders of Southern California that are doing leading edge work and affecting public policy.
I do like the structure of the event and socializing time, however I am concerned about lodging. The hotel of the event is at a rate of $150 a night for 5+ nights = $750+ . The closest camping site is Sweetwater Regional Park which is about 18 miles away, not ideal. It is $34/night for up to 8 people.
Last year, camping at Lake Skinner was so good for winding down after the draining days. It was an opportunity to connect with nature and become grounded with other amazing people. Some of whom I will never forget.
I just want to get the conversation started, and hopefully create some alternatives to the $150/night hotel room.
urbangro//ecological garden design