Enrique Gutierrez

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since Mar 11, 2014
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Recent posts by Enrique Gutierrez

S Sinclair wrote:Are you attending Permaculture Voices 2 and looking for alternative housing!?

If you are interested PM me.

Hi Sinclair,
I purple moosed you a couple days ago. Definitely Interested. Contact me at your earliest convenience. Thank you
10 years ago
Thank you for the consideration. Check out the amazing work Warren is doing with Casitas Valley Farm in Geoff Lawton's new video. Lots of useful information in the full length video

10 years ago


I'm lobbying for Warren Brush to speak at the conference on Drought Proofing or Investing In Natural Capital. Please read his two articles above to determine for yourself if his research is a good fit.
10 years ago
I'm really looking forward to this conference. My favorite part of PV1 was not only the motivational, thought provoking speeches. Mostly it was the network of likeminded individuals perusing life works of shared values. I would love to see Warren Brush speak at PV2, Nick and Bianca Heyming, Daniel Francis. These are some of the 10+ year permaculture leaders of Southern California that are doing leading edge work and affecting public policy.

I do like the structure of the event and socializing time, however I am concerned about lodging. The hotel of the event is at a rate of $150 a night for 5+ nights = $750+ . The closest camping site is Sweetwater Regional Park which is about 18 miles away, not ideal. It is $34/night for up to 8 people.

Last year, camping at Lake Skinner was so good for winding down after the draining days. It was an opportunity to connect with nature and become grounded with other amazing people. Some of whom I will never forget.

I just want to get the conversation started, and hopefully create some alternatives to the $150/night hotel room.

urbangro//ecological garden design
10 years ago
Lake Skinner Camping Crew! I'm so grateful to have met and spent time with you all. I can't wait to receive all of Emily's audio recordings of the event. I have all my notes, pictures, and audio recordings clouded to my google drive. So if any of you from Lake Skinner want access to them, I can easily share those files with you.
10 years ago
I am heading out soon from la, Derrick, if you don't mind, can I join you at lake skinner#145? I will gladly share the expenses for it. After I drop off my stuff, I will figure out where to park my car.
11 years ago
thanks derrick, i am in LA now. I am going to pack my car and be in the temecula area in the afternoon. i can be reached at three0five 30six8foursixeight

i am all for parking my car somewhere else, my only concern is it either being towed away at the casino or broken into somewhere. I'm sure that the situation will work out though.
11 years ago
LAST MINUTE. I have my camping gear and a vehicle. Can I join someone and share the costs? Not sure how the vehicle situation would work
11 years ago
Super last minute, but I've been all over the Internet trying to figure out housing. I have a tent if folks are renting a house. Can I pitch it in the yard? If none available, what other options are there. I don't really want to camp at the different campgrounds, because they are a half hour away from pechanga. I am willing to carpool if available though from the campgrounds
11 years ago