Ben Miller

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since Apr 05, 2014
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This is a great website with many health and management articles on goats. If you sign up for the forum you can ask questions and get answers and suggestions quickly.
10 years ago
tetanus bacteria?
10 years ago

Link to a website with fairly inexpensive gardening gear. Many times they are auctioning hand tools. This company ( will pack it up and ship it out -
10 years ago

There are many inexpensive tools to bid on at a website called "Everything but the house" It's a service for widows and such that need to clean out an entire house. They often have lots of tools and hand tools that go for little to nothing. They sell everything but the house and sometimes even the house.
10 years ago

I would keep the duck. We had a baby swan rejected by the parents and we tried to force the parents to accept the baby by repeatedly putting him back with the group. They killed him.
Very traumatic for the kids. Try putting the greens in water for him eat. He will grow up quickly and may be a nice addition to the farm.
10 years ago

This happened to us once too. We kept the ducks in the bathtub with water towards the front of the tub and on towels towards the back of the tub. The ducks enjoyed fresh chopped spinach from a food processor and watermelon. We would put the greens in clean water and they would eat it out of the water. Ducks are very messy. The tub needed to be rinsed several times a day.
10 years ago

This is a great website on goats and they have articles on dehorning and other management issues.
10 years ago

You might consider neutering your goat. I have goats and it's near impossible to keep them from breeding. They somehow ALWAYS get together - they ram through gates and fences. They pee on their face and legs. He will get bigger and stronger and smellier and when he's in rut in the fall......he will be very loud screaming "rut, rut, rut...." until the females are pregnant. Horns have nothing to do with the smell. I like horns, as they give you something to grab onto. Are the kids male or female? Neuter them young. They can get their mom pregnant at a very young age. Let me know if you need to know how to neuter. We use a "emasculator tool". It is quick and the most humane way and they get to keep their "trophy sack".
My best advice - borrow a billy when you need servicing!!!
10 years ago

Second one is sedum. It's a nice short groundcover that does well in in the sun with little water.
10 years ago

I looked up "oxiclean" and the by products are oxygen, water and soda ash. It says it's safe for septic systems. I wear a cover-all over my clothes when doing chores. I hang it in the sun and on a clothes line to air out. My barn clothes never go in the house. They stay in the garage. These "chore" clothes are washed every 2-3 weeks. Seems a waste to wash them anymore often than that. They are just going to get dirty again. We have house clothes, outside clothes and going in town clothes. Crazy?
10 years ago