Jean Igrec

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since Apr 16, 2014
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Recent posts by Jean Igrec

Thank you for you answer! I hope US and European zones are the same, because we have snow here in winter and I won't be able to mow the clover. This means it won't produce seeds, so it's no big deal.

I believe mustard shouldn't survive winter simply because I was told so and it's being marketed as such in stores. I have absolutely zero experience with mustards.
10 years ago
Hello fellow mulchers! I hope I put this question in the right forum.

I bought a green manure seed mix:

20% Crimson clover
20% Phacelia
20% Egyptian clover or berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum)
40% White mustard

I also bought a pack of buckwheat seed.

I'm sowing this in fall and chopping it in spring (only clovers should overwinter). I plan to cover this with a thin layer of compost and hay on top. So my question is - when sould I sow these to get the most benefit and avoid plants making seeds. Altough mulch should prevent them from taking over my garden, buckwheat and phacelia are very fast producers.

I live in zone 7.

Thank you!
10 years ago