Laura Stinson

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since Apr 17, 2014
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What about a variation on these?
Ok, so maybe you wouldn't be doing hugelkultur in them but I'm not sure I'd dig on digging in the wooden clogs either!

I think I might need to learn how to make shoes now thanks to this post..... =P
10 years ago
I've also had excellent results with Parelli -- seems like the best program for dominant/high energy horses particularly in combination with newer riders/owners.

I have a little Arabian gelding who is 10 now. We're slowly recovering from the classic mistake: green (untrained/unexperienced) horse + green (untrained/unexperienced) rider/handler combo. If you're considering horses --- don't do this! LOL I thought I'd be fine since I had a trainer at hand but ultimately wound up firing the trainer and switching to Parelli's program before I started to really have fun and get anywhere with him. Though, from a permaculture perspective, he's not very multi-functional since he'll never do much more practical than produce poop and amuse me! =)