patricia zulkosky

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since Apr 22, 2014
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Recent posts by patricia zulkosky

I did up my pledge anad thought I had reselected the reward level but evidently not. Thank you for noticing that  my pledge is weird I did shift pledge and expectations to !00. level. Thank you.
5 years ago
I did not refrigerate it as I thought I wasn't suppose to. The wine cap looks like it is worth a try. The almond ag does not pass the test.

I look forward to reading your book. I so far have either been overwhelmed by the texts that I have gotten or tried to do too much with too little info as in Sepp's books.
I really need a text in the novice to made lots of mistakes so far portion of the spectrum.

Thank you for answering questions inthe forum. I value your comments and am re-inspired to play with the mushrooms once again.
8 years ago

I bought spawn(king stroph and almond portabella) over a year ago but never got to inoculating anything with it. How can I tell if it is still viable and is there a way to still use it. Like does it go dormant and can then be awakened?

Thank you for your previous reply. I am relooking at my patch in light of your comments.
8 years ago
My first post ever on this site....

2 years ago I innoculated 5 types of logs with shitaki or oyster spore. After letting them set some weeks we "planted" them end down into the soil in a periodically swampy wooded area near to a pond. They fruited a little but not much. Anything this year seems to have frozen in early development. Is all lost or is there something I ought to do to re invigorate them?

8 years ago