Julie Granzin

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since Apr 22, 2014
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Recent posts by Julie Granzin

Have you tried those sonic repellant stakes? I'm like you, I don't want a cat. Yeah they cute and all that but I'm good🤣 The gophers were pulling plants down into their holes right in front of me! We got a 8 pack off Amazon and no more problems! We were already flooding their new holes in an attempt to keep them away also.
2 years ago
This is Randy. He's a young rooster the grandkids fell in love with, that kept him off the chopping block for a minute.  Young Randy got his name after having sex with a dead hen that fell into the horses water trough, twice!
2 years ago
Smoke'em!!  I'm from South Louisiana and it's a big favorite here. I like to inject mine with a little beef broth mixed with horse radish and heavily season the outside with  a cajun style seasoning the night before.  While it's smoking, i spray it with apple juice mixed with apple cider vinegar to help it stay moist.  When the internal temp of the flat gets top 160-165F I wrap it in foil with some kind of a sauce or thicker marinade and cook until the internal temp is 195-200F.  Take it out and wrap it in a thick towel and throw it in a cooler to rest for as long as your mouth can stand it, hopefully at least an hour.   I recommend starting to say things like "aw man, I done messed this one up" and "well y'all better order pizza cause this brisket ain't right" about half way through to try to scare off the hoards so you can st least try to get it cut before it's devoured!  Don't be intimidated, smoke something😜
3 years ago