Patrick Roehrman

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since May 16, 2014
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Recent posts by Patrick Roehrman

Glenn Herbert wrote:I have fairly consistently, for months now, had this problem, but only when at my beloved's house. I have DSL through my phone line, she has satellite internet. I don't know if that means anything, but it is the only difference I can think of. I use Firefox, latest version.

Glenn, I am on satellite internet as well, don't know if that has anything to do with it or not.

Ann Torrence wrote:Long time Safari user, using 9.03. Haven't had this issue at all, so now I'm curious. That kind of behavior would be totally annoying.

Patrick, in your preferences under the Privacy tab, what does it look like? Here's mine. Not saying my settings are correct, just that if they are different, we might know something.
Also, what extensions, if any, are you running? If you've got anything unusual in there, you might try disabling them, seeing if the behavior changes.

Mine is the same except I have it marked Allow from websites I visit

Tyler Ludens wrote:That knife handle is outstanding - what is the material?

Thank you, it is Dyed Maple Burl
8 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:What version of Safari?

Can you tell us more about your computer?

Is anybody else out there suffering from similar problems?

I am on a Macbook Pro, running Safari Version 9.0.2
Well, so much for that. Nope next page I went to it logged me out. :/

Devaka Cooray wrote:Can you please do a little experiment by deleting your cookies on safari? Right after you delete cookies, you will realize that it has automatically logged you out from permies and all other websites you were logged into. Log back in to permies with the "log me on automatically each visit" option selected, and tell me if that made some improvement.


Cookie monster ate all the cookies, I logged in like you suggested and so far no troubles. Lets hope that fixed the problem. Thank You for your Help!


paul wheaton wrote:

Patrick Roehrman wrote:

paul wheaton wrote:Did you check the box labeled keep me logged in, as Destiny suggested earlier?

As you are logging in, yes. In my information... I looked there and couldn't find a place in the settings so not sure if I am missing something there.

One possible interpretation of what you are saying is: yes, you are checking the box and, at the same time, you cannot find the box to check. Therefore, it is still possible that you are not checking the box.

So, if you don't check that box then the behavior you are experiencing is exactly what should happen if you don't check the box.

Here is another possible interpretation of what you wrote: you had the problem in the past and it is probably because in the past you did not check that little box. And now you have checked the little box and you are currently testing to see if the problem reappears.

Yeah that first one, I added a screen shot of the box I click when logging in. If there is another box you are referring to I don't know where to find it. I still have problems when ever navigating the forum. If I change a page, go from one topic to another it logs me out, not every time but often. I can live with it, I know you probably have more important things to worry about. If I am the only one than fine, but figured if others are having the same problem it can be frustrating.

Thank You for your help

paul wheaton wrote:Did you check the box labeled keep me logged in, as Destiny suggested earlier?

As you are logging in, yes. In my information... I looked there and couldn't find a place in the settings so not sure if I am missing something there.

John Polk wrote:Do you have cookies enabled?
If you have cookies disabled, when you leave a page, the cookie probably thinks you have left.

Yes, it will log me out like it just did going from being logged in I clicked my post tried to reply and it would let me looked and I had been logged out again.