Dj Ybarra

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since May 24, 2014
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Recent posts by Dj Ybarra

Thank you Kate! This is exactly what I've been looking for. Cooking from scratch, using what some call old fashion ways is very appealing to me. When I was a teenager my dad took me to visit his sister. Her home was a dirt floor no electricity little shack. She cooked up the best dinner I have ever eaten on her wood burning stove. Precious memory.
1 year ago
That's a great recipe Alicia. I'm always looking for healthy seasonings to add to otherwise bland food.  Thank you for sharing.
1 year ago
Hi Tracy, you can make an herb spiral. I don't have a picture available but they're easy to find online. Unfortunately, around here we have to buy rocks.
8 years ago
Welcome Ross!
I am looking forward to reading your new book, "How to Permaculture Your Life". I had the pleasure of visiting Italy a couple of times. One of my favorite sights was seeing the terraces of lemon trees.
8 years ago
I love this idea. I'm very interested in this subject but very little knowledge. Thank you, I'm very excited about what's coming.
10 years ago