Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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John Copinger

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since Jun 12, 2014
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many thanks for the explanation, now you've given me some new things to study!
6 years ago
Steam engines were a superb technological advance at the time, but with what we know today the combustion was not very efficient. How about designing a steam engine with a rocket stove replacing the coal fire?
6 years ago
Tour of 12 RMH and the sugar free recipes
6 years ago
Adrien, it works! Many thanks.
John I've just discovered that it's putting them in the trash! How can I stop that?
I didn't receive Part two! and I don't receive the dailyish any more.
Thanks Peter, I well remember Bernoulli and his theorem; so would it not be a good idea to put a venturi at the beggining of the burn tunnel to give a good combustion mix?
Tim, I,ve got a very good book (in French) on mass heaters generally and they recommend exactly what you say, the venturi acting as in a simple carburettor will draw air in to the burning area, and with what Peter has said that should give better combustion. I wish I could cross the puddle and come and play with you guys!!
10 years ago
Hey Tim, your idea of a cyclone separator is excellent but where are you going to put it? Also, while you are experimenting do you have any thoughts on using venturis to improve flow?
10 years ago
Paul, you asked for any other ideas: you have never mentioned venturis. There are those who advocate putting a venturi in the beginning of the burn tunnel to improve the performance. There is also the possibility of putting a venturi in the outlet pipe to improve the flow. Anybody got any experience of these?
10 years ago

paul wheaton wrote: Yes Paul, it works! Ian was right, I was trying to download it on my iPad, now I'm back home and downloaded it with the computer no problem. Many thanks to you and Ian. Incidentally the content is excellent.

10 years ago