Jon La Foy

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since Jul 15, 2014
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Hopkinsville, KY (Western KY) Zone 7
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Recent posts by Jon La Foy

Bryant RedHawk wrote:Persimmon is very resilient and will put out new branches from trunk buds quite readily when they are youngish, older trees with thicker bark will still put out new trunk buds but it takes them about two weeks longer to get those first leaves going.
Be sure to cut at a rather steep angle and do use some white Elmer's glue to seal the cut all the way out to the outer bark, this will keep beetles from getting into the cambium layer.


Will do. Thanks for the instructions. Just curious: what's the need for cutting at an extreme angle?
6 years ago

Ken W Wilson wrote:You might sacrifice one for an experiment if you have plenty others.

I'm thinking this is what I'll do. I know I have four, possibly a fifth. I'm willing to be I have more, I just need to find them.
6 years ago

James Landreth wrote:You could also think about planting some persimmon trees and just keeping them under control from the beginning with pruning. Since you're in zone 7 you should be able to get away with asian varieties too, I think.

I definitely plan on doing that. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what happened to my seeds from last year, so it'll be next year I can grow them.
6 years ago

Dan Boone wrote:I have wondered this myself.  Young trees have an astonishing ability to survive being brushhogged, resprouting from the stumps endlessly.  But I'm not certain about older ones.  I have a male (not fruit-bearing) tree that I've been meaning to try the experiment on, but I haven't had the heart to do it.

Meanwhile, however, there's a lot of variation from tree to tree in exactly how soft the fruit is when it's ripe enough to fall, but most fruit will survive the fall without bursting.  And you don't precisely have to wait for it to fall naturally.  Except on the very largest trees, you can usually shake the tree with your body enough to dislodge the ripest fruit, so that it falls for you to pick up while you are there and ready (instead of trying to beat the raccoons and deer and coyotes to it).  

Sadly I do have one set of trees growing in deep canopy forest where the fruiting branches are thirty feet up and more, and the fruit is larger than usual (the size of good sized apricots) and softer than usual.  These are my best-tasting persimmons but they *splat* like a chicken egg with no shell when they hit the ground.  One of my long term to-do list entries is to clear out the forest floor (challenging, there's a ton of fallen snags and brambles and other large trees) so that I can plant a bed of mowable soft clover and have room to string some fruit-catching hammocks.  

Edit: OK, now I'm laughing.  Turns out I asked a version of this same question four years ago and nobody knew then, either.  Guess I should have done the experiment!

Dan, seems like you and I have similar issues. My place was logged a few years back and the underbrush is crazy thick and full of ever thorned plant known to man. The difficulty of clearing it out is an understatement, but I really want those persimmons.

I read your other post from four years, it seems like there wasn't much feedback then, either. I might take some advice here and test one out.
6 years ago
Thank you guys for the quick identification. I suppose I've never seen it with leaves or in bloom. I just bought my place in August so I didn't get much time yo look around. Also, I read older plants aren't as spiny, which is what I've been looking for. Thanks again.
6 years ago
Hello, all. I recently purchased a new place that comes with woods and is perfect for foraging. I was very glad to find persimmons (western Kentucky, zone 6-7) and although I had never had them before, I knew I'd love them. I was right.

The issue, however, is that I can only collect them after they've fallen. They were in a tall canopied woods and are now about twenty feet tall. The lowest branches are maybe fifteen feet high (I might be UNDERestimating the height).

So my question is this: right before spring kicks in, would I be able to cut the trees, say at five feet, so that way reachable branches can grow? Or would this kill the tree?

Thanks in advance.
6 years ago
Hello, it's been a while since I've been here, but I know of no other better community to reach out to. I need help with an identification.

I have this... plant that grows on my place quite abundantly. It looks like a tree sapling, but it has no branches or leaves. None. There are small thorns that protrude from it, but that's about it. There does appear to be so segments, possibly growth segments.

I have not been able to find anything, anywhere. Of course, I included so pictures.

I always see them on the woods, never where it's completely open. I've seen them as tall as 8 feet, but never more than an inch and a half in diameter. They grow up on hills and in low areas, dry and semi wet.

Any ideas or info?

Edit: I am in western Kentucky, zone 6-7 depending on the map.
6 years ago

Angelika Maier wrote:I once or twice managed to grow oyster spawn from shop bought oysters on cardboard but they did not survive when I "planted' them outside, maybe I did not water enough.
I would like to try it once again but I don't like the plastic, even I can get the buckets for free - is it possible to grow oysters outside say in a wood chip pile? Or how about making a tower with chicken wire and filling it with wood chip? How much cardboard spawn would I need to how much woodchip 1:10 more less?

I know that when I put a woodchip bed for my watermelons to grow on, there were mushrooms growing up. That was in full sun too. They were hard to get rid of until I dried them out. I think what you're talking about is possible, it'll definitely take some experimenting though.
7 years ago
Aaaaaaand this one...
7 years ago
And this one...
7 years ago