Jim Barnes

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since Aug 12, 2014
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Husband and father. Softball fanatic. Working to teach my son good stewardship and learn new ways to provide for my family. Avid outdoorsman and also a technology nut.
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Stevensville, Montana
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Recent posts by Jim Barnes

Jesse i have a 50 foot roll of sofy copper with your name on it when you are ready, i also have 4 machetes, tjey will need a good stone as apparently we cant have them shipped with live edges... Please let me know what other neefs you might have and ill do what i can to accommodate. Also moosage me with instructions for tje procurement of that copper.
9 years ago
Greetings ants and all! I have greatly enjoyed reading of your exploits and seeing the progresses made. To that end i have come to offer what assistance i might in the form of supplies. I work at a plumbing supply shop in Missoula and have access to pvc copper and such things, i dont know what might be of most assistance but if you have any thoughts from a place like this please let me know and id be more than happy to fill your need. I do have shovels, machetes, limbers, rakes and such as well. Keep up the good work all.
9 years ago
Excellent map! Extremely well done!
9 years ago
it worked for me no errors
i LOVE the flooring by the rmh, really looks nice, did you finish it with anything? or is it just planed?
10 years ago
Thomas thanks for the invite, I spoke with my father-in-law and that sounds like a trip we'd like to make. He said he'd like to wait till it's a tad cooler so he can "feel" the warmth as it were. So if you're still willing, I will be in contact in the near future. Alan-thank you also for the invite, we might take you up on it the next time we head to Spokane.
10 years ago
Thank you sir. I'll certainly check out those video links. I am currently saving up to purchase a copy of "the book" as well as the videos. I kinda figured my timing was poor with the big goin's on at the Wheaton labs. I'll do the video thing and maybe when things slow down a bit ( I can hear Paul laughing hysterically in the back ground) I can squeeze a peek in. Thanks again for the advice
10 years ago
Hi all. Permaculture newbie here. I have become greatly interested in rocket stoves, and rocket mass heaters. In conveying my new found hobby to my father-in-law, I seem to have piqued his interest as well. Our question is this, we live in the Stevensville, MT area and we were wondering if there were anyone with a working RMH nearby (Say within 50 miles or so of Missoula) that would be willing to let us come out and see it in action. Thanks in advance.
10 years ago
Your RMH looks really nice. Stepping gingerly into the field myself. Built my first rocket stove. Planning a mini RMH for our back patio. Love learning from everyone.
10 years ago