Nicholas Lien

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since Aug 22, 2014
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Yes, I would like to avoid aluminum as well. Clay/ceramic seems like a fair idea for soup/stock. I live in an apartment, and I have no yard/balcony for an outdoor grill. The indoor grill idea is neat, I was not aware that such products exist. I agree with your final statement. Thanks for the thoughts and ideas!


Thanks for the keen analysis. I agree that stainless steel and cast iron do seem to be reliable options, in general.
10 years ago
Oops, I did not mean to worry you! I am not well-versed in this topic, but I believe that there are many different grades of stainless steel. Quality varies between them, but such information might not be specified in the product description. And of course, there could always be quality control issues..."Made in China" seems to have acquired a rather negative connotation in general. I found this post today when investigating some small rust-like dots that have appeared in my sauce pot (speaking of which, does anyone know how to remove such imperfections? I am probably going to try a mix of dish soap and baking soda)
10 years ago
I am not sure whether this topic is best suited here, or in toxin-ectomy. Regardless, hello, I have been lurking permies for a little while now, and I decided to make an account today. I am a university student located in the Midwestern United States.

The only cookware that I own is a 2.5 quart stainless steel sauce pot, and a Griswold cast iron skillet. These items are useful, but I am in need of some additional cookware. Specifically, I desire an apparatus with which I can steam vegetables, and an apparatus with which I can cook soup/stock.

My question is, what are viable and safe options for cookware pieces that serve these purposes? I am most concerned with the quality of the cookware, what it can potentially leach into my food, and how long it will last before it becomes dysfunctional (assuming proper treatment, of course). I want to avoid non-stick cookware. I had interest in this stainless steel multi-pot, because it combines the steaming/simmering functionalities, even though the two-in-one feature is not a necessity for me. However, despite the positive customer reviews, I am wary of the quality of the stainless steel because the item is manufactured in China. I suppose that alternatives for making soup/stock are enameled and non-enamaled cast iron? I think that non-enameled would be too much work for me, to be honest... For steaming, there are always those fold-out steamers, but I bet that those are cheaply made.

I wanted to ask this question here on permies because I figured that some of you also have the rationally-rooted paranoia that makes me skeptical of many elements of the modern world.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
10 years ago