Jaye Anne Gallagher

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since Aug 27, 2014
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Welcome! Your book sounds amazing. I love the idea of doing the most we can with what is available to us. Good luck to everyone posting to win!
10 years ago
Hi Jason! I used to dissect flies for my job and I had the opportunity to listen to your podcast all the time. I absolutely LOVED it! It was focused and to the point and had tons of topics I was interested in. We lived in a 3-bedroom condo at the time so It was a great time for me to live vicariously through your experiences. Thank you for that. I bought your book "The Scrounged Homestead," and it had TONS of useful information when I built the garden at my mom's house. Thank you for all your hard work and I can't wait to see what amazing things you are doing next!
Jaye Anne
10 years ago