kris valbuena

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since Aug 28, 2014
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Recent posts by kris valbuena

The straw bales is a good idea but it's not really feasible here. Porch on the back of the house,and too much stuff every where else. I would just do light clay infill but the roof eaves need to be lengthened first. Any thoughts on a cast burn chamber/riser? Furnace cement and pearlite in a 1:4 ratio. Or should I just use fire brick? The stove pipe is 6" by the way.
10 years ago
I'm in central missouri(gasconade county, no building code) the squares on the floor are 12" x 12" so it looks like about 5' 6" x 8' on the long wall. The way the house is built, insulating the walls is not within the budget at this time. I understand that's probably the best place to start,but a rocket stove is with in the budget and I don't feel like cutting 7 cords of wood this winter.
10 years ago
Like this? Can you give me a link to the half barrel system? River shack, wood siding,no insulation in the walls,some insulation in the ceiling, front addition framed in porch, rear addition cinder block on slab, extra unused chimney in the back. Maybe 24 x 50 or so overall. Current stove pipe is 5 inches I think. Might be six. I will measure when I get home.
10 years ago
Not sure if this is too many bends or not. If I put the barrel by the door and just do a single 90 deg bend in the corner I'm worried I won't be trapping enough heat as the bench would only be about 8 or 9 feet.
10 years ago
So I have an old wood stove that needs to be replaced. I'm not sure if I should put the barrel by the door and make one 90 deg bend in the bench or put the barrel in the corner and have 2 x 90 deg bends and a 180 deg turn by the door? I will try and attach a picture. Please bear with me I'm new here.

Edit: the door in the corner is getting removed.
10 years ago