Anne Miller wrote:I would suggest trying several options that you mentioned to see what you like best.
I infuse in straight vodka with nothing added or make a tea with boiling water.
Different methods are used for different herbs.
Some may say my methods are the way though This works for me.
Sharol Tilgner wrote:Hi David,
When I mentioned putting the plant through the liquid many times, I am talking about pressing out the menstruum (the liquid that the Mullein was soaking in) and putting more Mullein (new fresh Mullein) back into the menstruum again. If you are making a tincture to a specific strength, it is possible you may have to do this many times to get to that specified strength. When a person uses the simple folk method of making a tincture, they usually do not do this and the end product is not as strong. However, they may not care. The more Mullein you put through the menstruum the stronger the end product will be. However, this takes time and more effort. At some point you reach a saturation level in them menstruum and adding more herb will not make it stronger as it will just cause a lot of settling out of the plant material.
Sharol Tilgner wrote:
Mullein is a light fluffy plant as you know so, to make a 1:2 of fresh or dry plant means you will be putting that plant through the menstruum (liquid) many times. About 5-7 I would guess if dry. (I have the data on a disc in storage, but it is not handy to me currently, so this is from memory.)
I would put a small amount, say about 20% at the most of the Mullein herb into the jar and 80% volume of your alcohol (or other liquid used). Let it sit over night and see the next day if you can add more herb or not. A lot of the alcohol will be absorbed into the herb, and with Mullein that may be all you can add.