Sarah Gabriel

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since Sep 04, 2014
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Recent posts by Sarah Gabriel

I had a king size tempurpedic foam mattress. I moved with my son to a small-ish apartment and there wasn't room for a king. I used an electric carving knifeand cut the mattress in two. The original mattress was set on two twin box springs so each of us had one of those. Then I bought two new twin tempurpedic mattress covers. Of course that was foam, so doesn't help with your predicament, but just thought I'd share the story.
11 months ago
I am wondering about what the accommodations are for the PTJ, and if that is included in the registration price. (I don't see that info on the web page or FAQs. Did I miss it?)
4 years ago
I have a 200 sq ft area on which I am planning to grow stropharia. I have a mountain of white oak wood chips in my driveway. The oak was cut down one month ago and I was told that one month aged chips is a good time to spread out inoculate with Stropharia.  However, here in the Philadelphia area we are in the midst of a heat wave with temperatures in the 90s predicted for the next 10 days at least....

So, I am wondering if I should wait until the temperatures drop a little before I spread and inoculate the chips, especially because  I will be out of town for five days  next week so I won’t be able to water every day.

I have read through many of the threads on this site and other sites looking for information about heat tolerance of mycelia, but most questions are about cold tolerance not heat tolerance.  Does anyone have any information about heat tolerance of spawn?

Thanks in advance.
6 years ago
my cousin sends out a mostly daily email to a ton of people with famous quotes. Occasionally someone sends him one that’s not famous that he passes on. I decided to pass on some permie love, and contribute one on the reframing "problem versus deficiency" solution, The classic I don’t have a roach problem, I have a chicken deficiency, or I don’t have a slug problem, I have a duck deficiency.

I thought it would be fun if everyone could contribute couple of favorites and maybe together we can generate a work-in-progress list. it could serve so many purposes... instructive, creative, cathartic... I'll pick a few goods one and send to my cousin so we can spread some permie love outside the circle.
7 years ago
great design! thanks for sharing. have you installed a sand filter or first flush diverter?
7 years ago
Serendipitous timing. I am meeting later this month to assess and reinvigorate how The Home Grown Institute -which has up until now been (successfully) NW Philly oriented - moves forward with marketing permie ideals more widely. I will add this to our agenda and let you know what emerges.

Also, I have some feedback on the cards, but not sure this is the right thread for that...