Joe Sangemino

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since Oct 16, 2014
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Recent posts by Joe Sangemino

Rest in peace, Mike. You were a real pioneer.
9 years ago
Welcome, Cody. I've been following your Youtube channel for a while now and love what you are doing. I'm glad you and Paul are collaborating.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
9 years ago
Dan, I like all you said there, and thanks for the links. Please note, the previous message correcting you re: the spectrometer was not mine. I knew you were talking about a refractometer and I even used the term 'spectrometer' when I replied. Gues we're both fried, right? I didn't check out the links yet, but I do recall, now that you jogged my memory, that folks growing grapes for wine use a refractometer to measure brix to know when it's time to harvest. It sure sounds like a handy tool. This video on Youtube describes how it is used by brewers:

Take care,
9 years ago
Great idea, I've been meaning to get a spectrometer. If possible I'd like to get one that could be used for measuring Brix in the garden plants and for testing alcohol in beer making. I am pretty sure that that the milk is helping, perhaps testing before, and a day or two after spraying would tell me something. Fertility is not a big problem in our garden, to be honest, as we raise rabbits, so have an abundant source of fertilizer. The big payoff in spraying with the milk/molasses/water mixture is it seems to control the insect problem, as bugs can't process the sugar in the mixture.
9 years ago

Dan Grubbs wrote:At page 8 here of this publication, you can see a bit of measurement of different natural inputs on pasture compared to no input to the pasture:

Now, the university tests weren't using fish emulsion, but they were using cod liver oil. I couldn't speak to the difference in Brix values and soil porosity between CLO and fish emulsion, but do note that raw milk seems to be a better soil input that CLO. I guess "better" as measured by Brix tests and soil penetrometers.

I don't know about you, but finding and applying raw milk seems to be a much less "icky" process than finding, processing and applying fish emulsion. I'm not claiming the results published in this publication (mine, for disclosure) is apples to apples regarding fish emulsion, but I think I'd start with raw milk before I'd start with fish emulsion. I know that doesn't answer the OP's questions, but I thought I'd add to the mix here in the interest of sharing tested information.


Dan, I read the same article 2 years ago and started spraying our gardens with a mixture of raw goat milk ( or whey left over from cheese making) mixed with blackstrap molases and water (or compost tea if you have it) I use about a gallon of milk/whey in my 4 gallon backpack sprayer with half a cup of molasses and then top of with either water or compost tea and a shot of dawn dishwashing soap to help it coat better. I've found this to be an effective spray for controlling insects and building fertility. I spray the plants/leaves to kill bugs and feed the plants. For the last two years we've been hit with both Japanese and Colorado beetles, but our crops survived thanks to the spray ( in my opinion). Our garden is super healthy and I am glad to not be using any kind of poisons or chemical fertilizer on it.

Joe at
9 years ago