Dan Grubbs wrote:At page 8 here of this publication, you can see a bit of measurement of different natural inputs on pasture compared to no input to the pasture: http://issuu.com/stewardculture/docs/stewardculture_no1
Now, the university tests weren't using fish emulsion, but they were using cod liver oil. I couldn't speak to the difference in Brix values and soil porosity between CLO and fish emulsion, but do note that raw milk seems to be a better soil input that CLO. I guess "better" as measured by Brix tests and soil penetrometers.
I don't know about you, but finding and applying raw milk seems to be a much less "icky" process than finding, processing and applying fish emulsion. I'm not claiming the results published in this publication (mine, for disclosure) is apples to apples regarding fish emulsion, but I think I'd start with raw milk before I'd start with fish emulsion. I know that doesn't answer the OP's questions, but I thought I'd add to the mix here in the interest of sharing tested information.