Brent Bourdeau

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since Nov 10, 2014
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Pavones,Costa Rica
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Here is my  two sense, been swinging a machete almost every day for over twenty years here in Costa Rica. I have a full quiver .like a bag of golf clubs. Short heavy thick ones to long sword like blades. The key is learning to sharpen them so they cut through things like a hot butter knife. Used to swing a 28oz framing hammer all day so using a machete came second nature to me. I use corneta brand from El Salvador, the steel has a nice ring to it .only advise, be mindful where your blade is at all times,and of where your follow through goes. It’s easy to get seriously injured if you don’t. Cut through wood at 45 deg angle to grain, not perpendicular to it. Pick the right tool for the job, takes time to figure out what is your favorites for the tasks at hand. Cut the end of my thumb off, didn’t hurt as bad as getting splattered with framing hammer. Daily scrubbing with aloe Vera and it grew back. Have fun, be safe!
6 months ago
Hi Mike, have you found it yet?
Thanks all for your inquires! Anyone heading this way and can bring some cast iron cook ware will become local heros!!!There is none available here or in Panama.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon.
Hi Elizabeth,I sent you a purple moosage with contact info.
Calling all Permies!!!

Hi, What we are looking for are permaculture people to come to our area and visit,invest,teach,learn grow and help tip the scales from an oil based society based on greed and profit to a green society of abundance for all. We are a Town in transition,desperately in need of a large influx of permies before all the greedy developers devour this jewel of the Pacific in the Golfo Dulce,Costa Rica.There are lots of farms with opportunities .When the cold dry weather is getting you down or you are just ready for a change we are here waiting for you.1 is a start,10 gets the ball rolling 100 starts tipping the scales,1000 creates a model of success.All inquires are appreciated.Please share this with everyone.

Thanks ,