Newbie here, so I need advice.
I have a 4 acres place, well established transition from wild grass to burmuda. Planted two Podsednik pecans last winter, and five low chill apples from Centuary Farms, in NC. ark black, newtown pipin, carolona june, eisin spitzenburger, buckhrorn. Since the ark black and pipin did not make it, the seller is replacing them free, i am getting another ark black and a beavans favorite.
I started 4 years ago with a trial planting of Premier, Austin and Tiffblue. Did so well, that expanded it into a 70 foot row, and added a variety know as climax.
Premier is my berry! These are teouble free, produce huge crops for me and are large to extra large, like between a penny to a nickel size. Really nice bluberry flavor.
Last spring i doubled my planting by moving suckers, underground shoots that rooted, into anither row.
Planted about every 30 inshes or so.
I also raise bees in top bar hives, (stRting year three) and one of my beekeeper friends gave me 50 trailing blackberry plants (gave 10 to my son) and planted the 40 rooted ryzomes on a 70 foot bed, they have been growing quite well and i have begin to trellis them for next season flowering. Really dnt know what variety, plant grower locally told me that she gave the beekeeper Black Satin, but that is an upright type and these are trailing. I think this either a Chester or Hull.
I have been experimenting with table/wine grapes noted as releases of Thomas Munson (Kentucky/Texican), focusing on types for the steamy south.
So far Black Spanish (Vitus Bourquiniana) has done really well. I also have plantings of "Favorite" and some specimins of Cynthiana/Norton, Blanc de Bois, Herbemont, Hussman, and a few others. I also have 3 each of muscadin varieties Sweet Jeni, Fry, and Noble.
I have the grapes trellesed on a single wire in 200 foot rows suported by telelphone poles every 50 feet, and a 4 foot "t" post at each plant.
I am looking into plantings of blackberry vines by removing all or some of the grapes and transition into blackberry market growing.
Looking at some minor types also, Tayberry, Loganberry, Boysenberry as well.
Now here is the question: i would like to have an early, mid and i think i have late season ripening covered. What types for my area, upright or trailing that ripen in order.
Is Arapoho earlies? Followed by? With the Chester/Hull that i have as the late.
Also, i do have three Apache blackberries that do quite well.
Advice and comments appreciated.