Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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Tim Straw

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since Nov 23, 2014
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Thanks all, for the input. I will investigate these ideas.
  Rebecca,do have any pictures of these kerosene burners? Maybe a link? I think they might use a pressurized fuel tank like the old camp stoves?
8 years ago
Thanks for the input. Will try soaking the wood . Hoping that someone has figured out how to deliver oil directly to the burn chamber.
8 years ago
I was wondering if anyone has had success with burning waste oil , in an RMH ? Preferably passive  ( no electricity or compressed air). YouTube hasn't been any help.
   I'm currently running a successful 8"RMH.
   Any ideas would be appreciated.
8 years ago
As I build the TB from the ground up like " layering lasagna " I plan on building a structural straw cob retaining wall on the unsupported side of the bench ( other side is against a concrete wall )
1. Is this necessary for retaining a clay slip rock / brick / pea gravel TB ?
2. It's still not clear to me whether or not it is good to finish a TB with a layer of insulative material.
3. How thick?
4.Ratio of straw to clay slip by volume?
9 years ago
Thanks Glenn and Roy for your replies. Makes sense to have that thermal break.
So I'll create a thermal break, pile sand on until it just kisses the pipes,then build the thermal battery.
I don't have a enough of brick / rock to do all the thermal battery. What do you think about mixing pea gravel with clay slip to the consistency of concrete and pouring / packing it in. I think that this would be relatively quick and inexpensive.
Any ideas for a quick and inexpensive TB?
9 years ago
Everything I've read says be wary of CO leaks .Every seam I could reach is sealed both inside and out .
9 years ago
Thanks for the response! It's an already existing structure. It's a basement -earth backed wall and floor. So I will insulate. I have lots of sand on the property ( no clay ) that I can use to insulate the floor ( 2 to 4 inches ) but I have a feeling that man made insulation such as 2 inch foam ( then 2 inches of sand would be more efficient.
9 years ago
While a concrete floor and wall can make up part of a thermal battery, they can also be a path for heat to escape. Is it better to insulate the wall/floor or use it as part of the battery?
9 years ago