Sandy Peterson

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since Jan 04, 2015
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Recent posts by Sandy Peterson

Barn Kat wrote:
Wow, where is Washington county? I am also building a cob house (well, part cob part earthship) and am in Wayne county (SE MO). Maybe we can help eachother with cobbing or something!
My blog, just got it up a couple of days ago, so not much there.

Theresa Whited:
I am close to Potosi and you are about a couple hours a way, my kin on my birth fathers (deceased) side is from Ironton and we did some camping in Annapolis. Its really beautiful where you are I love the Black River. I am gearing up for the cob house and looking at buying used equipment or renting I thought it would be nice to see if anyone is interested in sharing equipment. I definitely would come build for a day and would be nice to see the area again.

Hi Theresa and Barn Kat.

I know this thread is a few years old, but I was wondering if your houses are done.

My family and I just returned from Albuquerque, NM and I'm now in love with cob/adobe houses. We're in Reynolds County, MO so were neighbors to both of you.

Let me know if we could visit your homes and see what you've done.

Do you know of any other houses (cob/adobe) in this area?

9 years ago
Thank you! We are going to check out the shingles this weekend.
10 years ago
Oops! First mistake.

I put this in the wrong place and I don't know how to fix it.
10 years ago

I'm new to the forum and this is my first post so of course, I'm nervous.

Just this past year we moved to a farm and the previous owner re-roofed the house and dumped the shingles in a pile and now the grass has grown up around the stash. We didn't find it until just recently.

My question is: is it best to uncover it and remove it or should we just leave it because it doesn't matter.

Thank you,
10 years ago