Aj Penn

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since Jan 06, 2015
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Depending on financial resources and local availability, "Soda Blasting" can quickly and effectively remove mold from surfaces.

"Soda Blasting" is basically sandblasting with dry ice as a medium, with pellets in a size very much like sand.

Since there's no liquid carrier, there's no additional moisture introduced into the structure.

It's readily available in more urban areas.

Another benefit is there is no sand to dispose of. What comes off is the mold and the top surface of the [substrate] wood. The pellets evaporate.

The pellets can get down to clean, fresh wood - you can see the transition from the mold, to the top surface with the mold [I'm going to call them 'tendrils'] growing down into the substrate [your house], down to fresh wood. Leaves it a little rough, but gets the job done quickly.

You do have to be careful and make sure you have ventilation, but not just because you're disturbing the mold.

There have been too many stories of fast-food restaurant workers being killed by a soda vendor CO2 delivery.

I mention this technique because dry ice can be a byproduct of other processes, and so it's close to CO2 neutral. In fact, depending on the producer, it reuses the CO2 before it gets released again into the atmosphere.
9 years ago