patrick canidae

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since Jan 17, 2015
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Electronet with single spikes.  Pos/Neg alternating wires so ground path in desert rock isn't an issue.  Only 6 segments of 150' fence will give you an acre +.  I use t-posts with 1 1/2" sch 40 pvc pipe slid over for the corners to make it straight and taut.

8 years ago
Acute rumen acidosis

Ewes eat about 6lbs of dry matter a day

You offered 3.5 pounds of corn in one slug

If ewes evenly shared the corn (insert laughter) you would have gone from 0 to 28 percent concentrate at once; enough for two modestly ill ewes

The piggish ewe is the really ill ewe

Corn is rapidly fermented and produces large amounts of proprionic and lactic acid, rumen ph plummets, voila acidosis. drench her with a quart of water with 5-6 tablespoons of yogurt or buy probios syringes and have at it for a couple days

Fix her gut flora
Give a vitamin b complex shot asap
Administer I.v. dextrose if she doesn't eat soon or you will have ketosis/pregnancy toxaemia
Get her eating hay and pray you don't put her into pregnancy toxaemia
8 years ago
We used to feed 300-500 white embdems. Part of their job was weed control in our truck patch

Sweet corn after the whorl is above goose head height by 6"....they will eat leaf tips, but only do damage if left too long
Strawberries...remove at berry formation
Berry canes
Onions once tops won't break off easily

Most annuals are what geese target. Particularly grasses.
They are really great in vineyards, orchards, and cane berry patches.
9 years ago

Fret not, it's only brown rot.

Remove all down fruit, remove all mummies, remove all down twigs, prune well, remove everything from site and burn. Do it every couple weeks once fruit appears until finished after dormancy. Disinfect pruning equipment and clothing(gloves, don't forget the gloves!) Organic fungicide from bud until it says to stop on the product directions you use. Should keep your losses under 30%.

Travis Johnson wrote:I had Katadins for awhile but last year I sold all that I have because they just do not make fiscal sense.

I didn't want to tie up space by quoting your whole comment.

I won't doubt that you may make more money with wool sheep in your scenario.

However, you are conflating production per animal with profit. I run a few hundred head of katahdins as a small hobby flock/sideline. In the past I have run several thousand head of carpet wool/meat sheep. Measuring dollars per animal unit is inaccurate. It is dollars per acre/labor cost/and animal cost. I can wean and sell more pounds of hair sheep per acre/manhour/cost of input than wool lambs every time, with very few outside inputs. If you had a market for big racks, and had to spread a fixed price per head slaughter fee over a larger animal, you may have more profitability with a large animal. Everyone has to measure their total cost/versus their total revenues.

To be frank the depreciation cost of good dogs and dog food is about the same as my mineral and vaccine cost. In a climate with 36+ inches of rain a year, and 5 months of winter, I can produce around 9 saleable 90 pound lambs per acre with no grain. I can't do that with any of the black face carpet wool breeds. I lamb outside, unassisted, no jugs, no BS. My ewes lamb, get them up, get them nursed and if I don't get them tagged, weighed and recorded within twelve hours I need the border collie and a fishing net to get it done. I haven't hand pulled a lamb in over 3000 lambings. The black face were a lambing ease nightmare. If I need to worm, fix a hoof, or do any single animal extra husbandry, its a dangle bob'ed ear and to market after the lambs are off. I line breed from inside my flock, and select for grazing ability, fecundity, lamb survival, worm resistance, and ewe body weight/lamb weaning weight ratio. I suspect many hair sheep failures are from a lack of identifying crucial sustainable profitability traits and then closing up the flock and locking those traits in place.

I sell direct to muslims for a premium. I put them in the backs of Mercedes SUVS hog tied. I occasionally sell to a Muslim buyer in Chicago for halal slaughter. Also for a premium. I also sell 100% grass finished lambs to rich suburbanite barbies for a very large premium. I send the bottom enders to be made into whole lamb grass-fed sausage. I get 3 or 4 times the value of pork sausage. It's a nice hobby.

I had some old women of English decent that wanted large, greasy muttony wool lambs they could drown in mint jelly. I couldn't give them a hair sheep for free.
9 years ago

Scroll down half way. I have one of these. The top tire is a super single from a semi trailer, bottom is an old pick up tire. I have mud flaps split and hung on both sides of mine to keep water/snow minimized.
9 years ago
Wine caps tend to lend them selves to cooking with a little lime or lemon juice and savories. Or wine. I've found them to lend them selves a little less to the butter and garlic or onion simple saute, although one of my good friends only cooks them that way. I also like them grilled. I coat them with a little tallow and sprinkle on anything from dill and ground pepper to nutmeg and clove. They have a richer, earthy flavor with a little oaky, tanic red wine taste to me as they get a little larger than ideal.

Wild man Steve Brill has a recipe on them I think.

I would think any non-coniferous trees would work. I do know that some species of mushrooms don't like the salicylic acid in willow bark. I doubt it would be a problem if in a mixture. Just keep track of proportions and record results.
9 years ago