I don't know what I was thinking. I have 2 pregnant ewes, both ready to lamb any day now. They lived out in the pasture all winter with no problems, just a little
hay and
Tractor Supply sheep
feed when the snow got too thick to find the stockpiled grass underneath. But a few days ago when the sheep were getting very close to 21 weeks of gestation, I was reading about feeding corn to increase available
energy leading up to their first lambing. I guess I was too caught up in the book, and I completely ignored the common practice of introducing new food slowly. Duh!
So I fed them 2 quarts of cracked corn total (about 1 quart each). One ewe did fine on it, but the other has had diarhhea (scouring?) for 3 days now. She is barely eating grass, and usually just lays around. She still has diarhhea, which is all over her backside and tail. She can stand and does get up on occasion, but it's not for long and she doesn't move around for more than a few minutes at a time, mostly sniffing the grass and occasionally taking one or two small bites. Nothing like the appetite I'm used to watching.
I'm not sure what I
should do. I've read about sodium bicarbonate, but that seems risky because of bloat. But if I don't do that, should I just offer up some dry hay and otherwise leave her alone?
This is further complicated by the fact that she is supposed to lamb any day now. So I don't know how much of her behavior is due to that also, but there's no denying that her shit is still pure liquid (although a normal dark brown color).
Any advice from the experts out there?