Randy Grant Heacox

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since Jan 22, 2015
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Recent posts by Randy Grant Heacox

Kim, check this out before you do anything https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEkFFRjDkvs. Woods chips are free if you contact most any landscape company you just gotta buy the fungi and bacteria concentrates; mix them with the chips in a small rented concrete mixer and add some water... if i were to creating or redoing my central growing area this is what i would do. another idea i had for you since its in an old pool and it has space for a pump is do some crazy big hydroponic set up! a giant eb'n'flow or even just layers of pvc on the side walls as you walked down towards the deep end; its not hard or expensive and it produces plants FAST just the woodchips(after they break down)!
9 years ago
What is the tastiest cornus mas(cornielian dogwood cherry) variety out there? Whats your favorite and what nursery can I order it from? Looking for which variety to buy i found this site. http://cornusmas.eu/pages/strona-glowna/oferta/deren-jadalny-cornus-mas One variety listed on that link as "Cornelian Cherry cv. Shafer (Cornus mas Szafer)" has a 16% sugar content!! Sadly the only place i can find that variety is in poland. does anyone know where i can find that 16% variety in the U.S? or any of those other varieties above 10% sugar content? Or even a U.S nursery that has sugar content listed?
10 years ago

hey does anyone know what variety of sea buckthorn is tastiest? or what are your favorites? I see alot of comments from people who bought some plants a few years ago... what are your results?
10 years ago

hey does anyone know what variety of sea buckthorn is tastiest? what are your favorites? I see alot of comments from people who bought some plants a few years ago... what are your results?
10 years ago
hey does anyone know what variety of sea buckthorn is tastiest? or what are your favorites? I see alot of comments from people who bought some plants a few years ago... what are your results?
10 years ago
hey does anyone know what variety of seaberry is tastiest? or what are you favorites? I see alot of posts of people who bought some plants a few years ago... what are your results?
10 years ago
maybe we could meet up in Geauga County as good middle ground from Ashtabula and portage/ medina?
10 years ago
You guys remember that grafted fence in the old global gardener piece with bill mollison from the 70's? In new York city I think it was, they had that living fence of apple! samething would surely work with a thorny devil plant that gives you fodder for food and or fixes da N. but also you ever think of just planting the knarley rosa multiflora? where I live by cleveland they get six feet tall and sometimes ten feet in diameter with many many stems that could be easily weaved together with another multiflora rose planted a few feet away. if you did that then you could graft on tasty roses also, hardy apples could be grafted to thorny hawthorns.
10 years ago

WHADDUP MY OHIO PERMIES!! PRAISE JEEBUS! Sorry for the sarcasm, but really i'm happy to find you all on this thread. I've felt so alone... in darkness, an isolated permie like an onion bulb forgotten in you garage trying to sprout without light and sun's warmth. I'm from aurora, ohio; just outside the fair port city of Cleveland. I think i read all the posts and am i correct in thinking so far im the only one from NorthEast ohio? what evs tho, my girlfriend of 5 years in going to osu for another 2 years so ill be taking semi-regular trips there atleast until then... maybe i could meet up with some of you from our states great capital? check out your creations? And visa versa. If you guys are ever in the Cleveland-Akron are hit me up. I live about 40 minutes outside downtown of both those cities. I go to Tri-c for Nursery Management, and by this spring will have a nice collection of woodies and edible perennials... already got some but in a few months im going to expand that a bunch and turn my parents property into a food forest! Also have a decent sized annual veggie garden 35 by 30. There's a native cranberry bog and maybe 100 blueberry bushes just existing indigenous in the woods by my house; you could attain some of that material for you own site if you want.
10 years ago

WHADDUP MY OHIO PERMIES!! PRAISE JEEBUS! Sorry for the sarcasm, but really i'm happy to find you all on this thread. I've felt so alone... in darkness, an isolated permie like an onion bulb forgotten in you garage trying to sprout without light and sun's warmth. I'm from aurora, ohio; just outside the fair port city of Cleveland. I think i read all the posts and am i correct in thinking so far im the only one from NorthEast ohio? what evs tho, my girlfriend of 5 years in going to osu for another 2 years so ill be taking semi-regular trips there atleast until then... maybe i could meet up with some of you from our states great capital? check out your creations? And visa versa. If you guys are ever in the Cleveland-Akron are hit me up. I live about 40 minutes outside downtown of both those cities. I go to Tri-c for Nursery Management, and by this spring will have a nice collection of woodies and edible perennials... already got some but in a few months im going to expand that a bunch and turn my parents property into a food forest! Also have a decent sized annual veggie garden 35 by 30. There's a native cranberry bog and maybe 100 blueberry bushes just existing indigenous in the woods by my house; you could attain some of that material for you own site if you want.
10 years ago