Sorry for the sarcasm, but really i'm happy to find you all on this thread. I've felt so alone... in darkness, an isolated permie like an onion bulb forgotten in you garage trying to sprout without light and sun's warmth. I'm from aurora, ohio; just outside the fair port city of Cleveland. I think i read all the posts and am i correct in thinking so far im the only one from NorthEast ohio? what evs tho, my girlfriend of 5 years in going to osu for another 2 years so ill be taking semi-regular trips there atleast until then... maybe i could meet up with some of you from our states great capital? check out your creations? And visa versa. If you guys are ever in the Cleveland-Akron are hit me up. I live about 40 minutes outside downtown of both those cities. I go to Tri-c for Nursery Management, and by this spring will have a nice collection of woodies and edible perennials... already got some but in a few months im going to expand that a bunch and turn my parents property into a food forest! Also have a decent sized annual veggie garden 35 by 30. There's a native cranberry bog and maybe 100 blueberry bushes just existing indigenous in the woods by my house; you could attain some of that material for you own site if you want.