Ralph Sluder wrote:Your wicking action is only going to work with (wickable) material. So your pots filled with soil that are above water supply will keep moist because the wick in contact with the soil will supply moisture. And the soil will absorb that moisture ( If it is an absorbent soil). Sand would not work for example.
Your jars with water have no absorbent properties so gravity will use the wick to pull water from the jars to the lower level. If you put jars of water below the water supply, jars will overflow..( gravity.). The jars of water would have to be at the same level as supply to work.
Sorry, not a good explainer.
By the way, put those sweet potatoes under 4 inches of soil and you will get 10x the slips at least twice as fast.
Mart Hale wrote:
A video describing your problem would help for us to help solve it with you.
It is hard to understand from your picture where the water is running out.