Laurie Stribling

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since Jan 27, 2015
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The reason for 49.5" is so that you can overlap panels and attach directly to frame.  I am just concerned for you using polyfilm.  Just from my own past experience, you lose power, you loose your insulation factor, same if the outer layer gets punctured.  

Anyway, I was ready you post and wish you the very best.  I have actually seen this design using Solexx on the web and it was pretty amazing.

7 years ago
Mike, have you thought about using Solexx 5mm, it diffuses the light and gives you a R=2.3
7 years ago
Looks amazing Matt
10 years ago
Matt great job, thought I would chime in and remind you it was Adaptive Plastics that provided Solexx to you

Thanks for the great pictures

10 years ago