Hello My family (wife , baby and dog) are on our way to oaxaca area and feel the need to find a beautiful place to bee for a moment (2-3 months / years upon years). We have experience in sub tropical permaculture techniques and strive to eat from the fruits of the land and our labor. Our baby is 4 1/2 months old and very happy!! We speak spanish fluently and I have a great deal of interest in creating the infrastructure to bring food security and knowledge to the local communities and letting them teach me their wealth of knowledge. I'm certified in permaculture and have worked in the temperate and subtropics. also i have a digital archive of information half of which is for the sub tropics. Food forests along with a food forest nursery are among my top life priorities.
My wife is a potter and will continue in this work, hopefully finding maestras to teach her more and to expand on her wealth of ceramic abilities. She naturally weaves herself into the tapestries of nature and her hands carry the ability to give life to most all plants.
We are experienced in animal husbandry as well. Also, we are wanting to build with earth and have an opportunity to have a long lasting relationship with the place we settle.
I see these post are older, however if any of you are willing to offer a place to bee, work, and breathe. We would love to hear of it.
We are almost half way through Baja california and are making our way to oaxaca from there. 2/11/2015