Thekla McDaniels wrote:Judith,
Thanks for asking the question that started this wonderful thread. How could it help but benefit all who read it? I've gained some new exercises, among other things. I love it that these threads remain for future reference.
If you find yourself intrigued by the celebrity doctor's comments about the importance of the cell membrane, I think he called it "the brain of the cell" take a look at a book called "The Biology of Belief" written by Bruce Lipton in the late 90s (I think). He is the first person I know of to introduce the idea of the importance of the cell membrane, its functions being more powerful than DNA in determining physiological functioning. It also makes it clear WHY the right fats are so important. To get published it, he had to self publish. I think you may be able to listen to it as an audio book if that's easier for you.
He is a "hard science" man with a talent for explaining to the non-hard science population. Taught in medical schools for many years. His ideas were radical 20 years ago, and now the celebrity doctor is promoting them.
I like to imagine the bones being sculpted by my movements, by my mental imagery itself as I maintain focus. It helps me maintain an awareness of posture and alignment. I had to have xrays of my knees earlier this week and was so delighted to see my beautiful bones. I would not expose myself to radiation just to see their shape and form, but since they had to take them (torn meniscus, sudden excruciating pain, had to crawl home), I asked them to send me copies, which I have emailed to everyone I could convince myself might have the slightest interest. Also, at 64, I was glad to hear the young MD say there is not the slightest sign of arthritis.
In addition to everything else you do, dream of strong and beautiful bones, love your strong dense bones while you work and play. This is an important part of it. Do you already know that your body changes, swaps out molecules of this and that all day and all night, at a rate such that in ~ 7 years, maybe less, you are "all" newly made? That's an inspiring image for me, and I like to think it does n ot have to be an exact replica of my former structure.
Hope your recalcification process goes well!