emily weintraub

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since Feb 21, 2015
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Recent posts by emily weintraub

I’m on the same page. I’m feeling the call to build sanctuary. Idaho sounds great. Let’s talk. I sent you an email.
2 years ago
I’m currently living on an off-grid homestead in central Oregon south of Eugene looking to transition. Your land and values sound similar. Send me a personal email so we can get in touch.
Also I just finishing building my 80sq ft rustic tiny home on wheels and it’s looking for a home
2 years ago
Hi I'm interested in volunteering in May. Looking for a community to learn and grow in and work with the soil. Hopefully also at a place that allows time for personal practice and reflection. I Prefer primitive camping. I'm 37 years old. Please call me at 267-456-2236 to discuss.

8 years ago

I am a 35 year Permaculture enthusiast looking for work/trade options when I return to America. I've been serving in the Peace Corps in rural Zambia teaching farmers about agroforestry, soil and garden improvement and nutrition. I'm looking for a quiet place where I can grow food, live outside, enhance my permaculture skills, explore beautiful surroundings and hopefully enjoy this with a small community of like-minded folk. I prefer to camp in a tent outside (I've been living in a mud hut with no running water or electricity for 2 years so I am used to this). 20 hours a week sounds totally reasonable, leaving enough time to train for triathlons, which I plan on doing as well. I would be available to start in June. Let me know what you think.

10 years ago