Nate Lang

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since Feb 26, 2015
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Recent posts by Nate Lang

Cassie Langstraat wrote:What!! This is crazy!

My wife will kill me but I will definitely try this (small scale) however my scoby could go the mile!
I'll post updates! The hardest part will be trying not to drink the kombucha....o_0

9 years ago

Rudy Valvano wrote:

Nate Lang wrote:Thanks Rudy, I rcvd that email as well, but no links...

I'm disappointed to here that. Clicking the link at the top, "Having trouble viewing this email? Click here", opens a web page that might reveal the links. If not, then I would contact Marjory. Good luck Nate.

So I chatted with a few others and they never received links either... So i registered again with my work email and the confirmation rcvd included the links so must just be a glitch on their end i suppose....
9 years ago
Thanks Rudy, I rcvd that email as well, but no links...
9 years ago
Has anyone been able to receive the eBooks? How does that work? Do we have to wait till the event?
I can't wait, what a lineup!
9 years ago