Andrew Brock

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since Mar 18, 2015
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I composted dog poo in a poultry mesh ring about 18" dia and 4' tall. I wrapped it with an additional cost concentric ring about 8" spaced and filled with wood chips for insulation. I would put wood chips on top of every batch of poop. it's the same as a composting toilet. I innoculated with black soldier fly and it was really off to the races. it's important to put a roof on the unit too to keep it dry
5 years ago

Jaap Turkenburg wrote:The kit came with 2 pre-sterilized "cakes" in an airtight plastic pot. i inocculated these per instructions with a sterile needle (i worked sterile, i have lab experience). these cakes were fully colonized and crispy white when i took them out of their container for the first flush.
i put them on a layer of vermiticule with plenty of water, and let them sit in the light and aired them per instuctions (2x day). after a while they started to turn brown as if they were just dieing off. to save them i made new growing substrate with vermiticule and coffee grounds wich i sterilized in an oven. (250C for 1 hour)

when i put the browning cakes in there they started growing again and colonized the entire substrate again, and were looking healthy white. but same thing happend, they just sit there and start to turn brown again after a couple of weeks (see pics)

coffee can be hard to sterilize because it is pretty fine and can compact. not sure what went wrong the first time but sounds like the second time you could have potentially contaminated. it's impossible to know for sure. even commercial farms have some contamination sometimes
5 years ago
are you saying you sterilized them yourself or purchased them fully colonized? it sounds like you did it yourself. correct me if I misunderstood. contamination usually occurs if innoculating without a hepa filter or without sufficient sterilization. best practice is 18 hours at near boiling.
5 years ago
they got contaminated. did you sterilize the substrate and innoculate in front of a laminar flow HEPA filter?
5 years ago
The diet protocol is irrelevant to weight loss or gain. It comes down to caloric surplus or deficit. If you don't gain muscle it is because you are in a caloric deficit. And Visa versa if you are over weight. The most useful tool is understanding your caloric demands and tracking your meals. I recommend the diet protocol is really just a tool or a means to an end. Paleo will be helpful for you by breaking bad habits. If muscle gain is your goal try eating 200-300 extra calories every day for 3 weeks and see what happens and adjust as necessary. Load bearing exercise will help with muscle gain as well
5 years ago
Just to add my data point, ive been vegan almost 3 years now. I haven't found it to be dramatically different then my omnivorous lifestyle. I definitely have lost fat and built lean muscle. It is easier to maintain a shredded physic for me and my weight stays pretty stable. I'm about 180ish now. I've found the people that do best eat mostly whole foods with a lot of raw dark greens. This how most vegan athletes eat. It important get an understanding of what foods to eat on a regular basis in order to get minerals, vitamins and fatty acids. The top foods to incorporate are beans, dark leafy greens, chia, hemp, sweet potatoes, and oats, and sea vegetables. I've had my blood tested every year and all my levels are good. I've pr'ed in every physical endeavor since becoming vegan
6 years ago
Eating only fruits and vegetables will yield approx 10% calories from fat. Add in avocado, nuts, seeds, coconut, or a little meat and it's easy to get into the 20-50% fat. Websites like will tell you exactly what you are asking about
7 years ago
I don't eat animal products. I use b12 spray and eat fermented foods. My last test was in the 700s ( range is 200-900 ish).
7 years ago
If using cedar it would absolutely work. I've used it on Doug fir that is outside and it seems to help. What are your specific concerns?
Those will certainly work but for what stages depends on the power per led. Very little power would be needed to start seeds. A good led growlight drives each led at about 1.5watts so for starting 2 flats less than 30 led would be needed, probably much less (assuming 1.5w/led). Leaving them not serially connected is good because you can dial in the amount. Led do generate heat but again it's dependent on power rating. All led growlight a I've seen have a heat sink that is as large as he housing permits.
8 years ago