Michael Hinsley

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since Apr 08, 2015
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Recent posts by Michael Hinsley

Please ignore I read your advice above how to find on kickstarter cheers


Hi, I think I am still having issues, I did donate to the kick starter for the 8 DVD download but my email address on the forums was different to my kick starter one. Is there any way this can be fixed so I can access this video please?

Many thanks,

9 years ago

Cassie Langstraat wrote:

Michael Hinsley wrote:I just wanted to say thank you for all my candy and to ask a quick question if I may?

I thought I was signed up to the forums already but turns out in all my excitement and love for Rocket Massing I wasn't. :S

I have just signed up using the same email as I gave when being a part of the kick starter and wondered how that would affect my inner circle access.

Many thanks,


For everyone who just signed up to permies or just got their kickstarter email address to match their permies ones, we will probably do another mass adding to the secret inner circle in a month or two.

Hi Cassie, thank you for the quick reply, I look forward to being added, many thanks, Mike
I just wanted to say thank you for all my candy and to ask a quick question if I may?

I thought I was signed up to the forums already but turns out in all my excitement and love for Rocket Massing I wasn't. :S

I have just signed up using the same email as I gave when being a part of the kick starter and wondered how that would affect my inner circle access.

Many thanks,
