Scott Loren

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since Apr 19, 2015
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Recent posts by Scott Loren

How about putting your setup in an insulated building with a waste oil burner to heat it? It sounds like you can get far more oil than you can use already so it won't be a strain to burn some extra. You could theoretically heat your house with it at the same time using underground lines to your home radiator system like a wood boiler.
2 years ago

Beth Wilder wrote:What shovel method do you use, then, Scott, that doesn't involve ever pushing on it with your foot? (It's not that I always push on a shovel with my foot, but sometimes that's what it takes.) To be clear, I'm asking about dirt-shoveling, not snow-shoveling.

It's not that it doesn't involve pushing with your foot, it's that it doesn't involve stomping. Put the tip of the shovel where you want it, place the ball of your foot, not the middle, onto the edge of the shovel. Then just step up onto the shovel and bounce up and down if extra force is needed. It involves no striking which greatly reduces the chance of accidentally hurting yourself by missing. It also requires much less energy as you are letting your weight do the work rather than your muscles.
5 years ago
I used an old solid steel head and handle mail that weighed a ton for years until I tried a fiskars splitting axe and I've never looked back.
5 years ago
I fill my pickup with the big rectangular shipping crates that convenience stores use. Just put the bin on its side and shovel the chips with my hands. Works about ten times faster than any shovel or fork I've tried
5 years ago
So definitely started this thinking you it was about shoveling snow, but I suppose my advice is the same either way. A good sturdy pair of leather work boots with a composite toe will work for most any job you are trying to get done. The steel toe has both the risk of getting crushed and is really darn cold in the winter. The wool socks can only do so much wrapped in steel. Admittedly that only really applies to shoveling snow because by the time it gets that cold the dirt is probably going to be staying right where it is regardless of what boots you are wearing 😅 Then being the fool I am during the warm parts of the year I usually can't be bothered to put on shoes unless someone is paying me, so all my hole digging at home gets done barefoot. It hurts me just to watch someone put a shovel to the ground, raise their knee and some on the shovel. It's never until I dig with someone else that I can remember why people hurt themselves so often digging.
5 years ago
Would the glass cook top from an electric range work for this?
7 years ago

Jocelyn Campbell wrote:

Scott Loren wrote:So it is now January and I have still yet to receive my dvds

Scott, this was my error on another missed upgrade with my spreadsheet magic that wasn't. I am so sorry. The DVDs have been shipped today.

Thank you much I would imagine it was a bit overwhelming with all the changes. Sorry about the attitude last night it was late when I realized I was months behind.
So it is now January and I have still yet to receive my dvds