Nick Rayl

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since Apr 23, 2015
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Bought 6 acres 6 years ago and love every minute of rural life.  Working through the process of homesteading slow but sure. I have to remind myself that I don’t have to do it all today.  Welcome Leigh good to have you here.
4 years ago
Hello Jesikah,

Welcome to permies, just a quick note.   I have been reading indie sci-fi authors on for a number of years. And I have found the writing for the most part to be just as good as many big name authors. I even proofread for several of my favorite authors. What an awesome opportunity to live in the day and age we do and to be able to publish your own books. Hope you have a great time here.


PS. I have actually read your book, did it get published under a different title earlier?  I read it about a year ago.  Awesome book.  I’ll have to ask my daughter where she got the book, she works at a bookstore.
6 years ago
Hey Linda welcome to permits, just saw a new fermenting technology at maker fair. It might be cool to have a book to show us how to ferment all the cool foods from our garden or CSA. Thanks, check it out at, no I am not affiliated with the company or receive any monies from this plug.
9 years ago